me3 classes


Answer #

Even with only four different Darktide classes, the game offers a wide variety of fighting styles. You can go for a ranged gun-wielder, a tanky melee expert, and even a staff-waving brain exploder.

  • 2024-02-09 16:57:21
Show all q/a Info

Can you have multiple romances in me3?
Players beginning with Mass Effect 3 will only be able to Romance characters who are actively serving on the Normandy, with a total of five serious Romances across both Genders.
2024-02-18 16:22:32

Can you import your me3 save to andromeda?
No you cannot transfer your save file to Andromeda. Andromeda takes place 600 years after the trilogy and is pretty much unconnected to the trilogy.
2024-02-10 13:45:24

How many classes does elder scrolls online have?
In The Elder Scrolls Online, you can choose between six powerful Classes, each with three unique Skill Lines that allow you to play your way.
2023-08-24 22:33:05

What do you get for importing from me2 to me3?
Bonuses for Importing Your Mass Effect 2 Save File
Your level from Mass Effect 2 will carry over to Mass Effect 3. Your Squad Members will also start at the same level. You will get Squad Points to upgrade your Powers based on your imported level.
2023-03-24 14:10:49

What is the most popular class in me3?
'Mass Effect 3' infographic reveals series statistics
BioWare has released an infographic detailing statistics for how people played Mass Effect 3. Most users chose to play as the soldier class, totalling 43.7% of all players.
2023-01-03 17:08:34

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