rpg meaning gaming


Answer #

The fantasy RPG was influenced by many forms of entertainment - including the literature of Tolkien, wargames such as Chainmail, and history itself - and showed people a new and innovative way to play games.

  • 2023-09-16 10:49:21
Show all q/a Info

What does ap mean in rpg games?
Ability power
This stat adds power to certain abilities, items, and runes. For example, the item Nashor's Tooth gives your champion +100 AP and makes your champion's basic attacks deal 15 + 20% AP additional damage.
2024-03-20 16:08:58

Can you sell games you make with rpg maker?
Can you make commercial games with RPG Maker MZ? Yes, your purchase of RPG Maker MZ includes the license to make commercial games with the engine.
2023-11-24 03:34:40

Can i sell a game made in rpg maker?
All resources that come in the default RPG Maker program are free for commercial use in RPG Maker. You may sell your RPG Maker game that uses those resources.
2023-08-05 21:48:36

What does bid mean gaming?
(in some card games) a statement, made before play starts, of how many points a player thinks he or she will get in a particular game : The declarer must make as many tricks as his bid has promised.
2023-04-12 12:11:57

What does drifting mean gaming?
Controller drift is a curse that befalls every gamer at one time or another, but few feelings are worse than when it occurs mid-play session. For the uninitiated, controller drift is the terminology for joysticks that take on a life of their own, wrestling control away from the user.
2023-04-10 08:45:49

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