ice crown citadel


Answer #

The only scaling Isle of Armor does is a check to see if you've beaten the game. If you've already done that, then you've reached the end of the level scaling for IoA. Neither is particularly long.

  • 2023-05-27 20:49:26
Show all q/a Info

Does the citadel dlc come with legendary edition?
The much-loved Citadel mission was the last DLC ever released for Mass Effect 3, and new and old fans playing Mass Effect: Legendary Edition will be glad to hear that it is included in the trilogy collection at no extra cost.
2024-01-08 00:59:38

What animal are the twins from ice age?
Crash and Eddie are two twin brother opossums.
2023-12-07 01:01:03

Who falls in love in yuri on ice?
That being said, while the ice skating was certainly fantastic, the series is most watchable for its adorable romance between the titular Yuri and Victor. However, while they are obviously one of the cutest couples in anime, not everything about their relationship is perfect.
2023-06-12 15:46:21

Can you stop citadel dlc and come back?
Hi edge45, yes you can do so. The Citadel DLC is available to be resumed depending on how far exactly you are into it.
2023-04-20 22:44:53

Can you start the citadel dlc and finish it later?
You may of course continue on to play the endgame after completing the Citadel DLC, but there is also a natural “stopping point” that should make it clear where the DLC content ends and your return to the main game begins.
2023-03-06 15:23:33

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