is there an ending to space


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  • 2023-02-10 19:32:55
Show all q/a Info

Which dr2 ending is canon?
Ending S was the original canon ending before the release of Dead Rising 2: Case West, although in E3 2013, the developers confirmed this ending is canon. As of Dead Rising 3's Overtime Mode, Ending A appears to be the true ending.
2024-02-03 23:50:25

What is the ending of journey game?
Eventually, the star comes to rest at the sand dune where the game began, and the player is given the option of starting the game again. As the credits end, the player is shown the usernames of the other travelers who shared part of the journey.
2024-01-15 11:23:46

Why does shepard only survive the destroy ending?
While the Destroy Ending eliminated the Reapers
The Reapers are a fictional fleet of sentient starships that serve as the main antagonists of the Mass Effect trilogy. The design of the Reapers was inspired by H. P. Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos deities. Within the series, the Reapers cause galactic-level mass extinctions every fifty-thousand years. › wiki › Reapers_(Mass_Effect)
Reapers (Mass Effect) - Wikipedia
, it also destroyed the relays and all synthetic lifeforms, such as the geth and EDI. If the player has enough Galactic Readiness, Shepard is shown to have survived all the destruction.
2024-01-07 21:22:50

Which ending is the bad ending in elden ring?
The Lord of Frenzied Flame is considered the bad ending of Elden Ring, as it sees you become a destructive dictator, consuming the world in the flame of chaos. To unlock it, you'll need to follow Hyetta's quest all the way to the Three Fingers and become their champion.
2024-01-03 09:23:53

What is the bad ending discussion in witcher 3?
Ending 03. This is the equivalent of the "bad ending" to Witcher 3. If, during the missions Battle Preparations, Blood on the Battlefield and Final Preparations, Geralt responded negatively to his decisions and admonished Ciri, she will lose faith in herself during her final confrontation against the White Frost.
2023-05-24 02:05:01

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