sims 4 mediterranean house


Answer #

Babies cannot be aged up until the player gets a notification saying that it is their birthday. Toddlers can be aged up when they reach level three in all of their toddler skills. Children and teens can be aged up after they get an A in school.

  • 2024-01-04 22:37:55
Show all q/a Info

Can i move my whole house in sims 4?
To change the house's location, enter Build Mode and select the Save To My Library option from the top middle screen (shaped like a folder with an arrow). After that, go to Menu, Manage Worlds, Gallery, select the saved house, and choose a lot to place it on.
2024-02-16 21:47:24

Can fire burn down house sims 4?
Fires can break out in Sims' homes, burning furniture and objects.
2024-02-16 17:27:43

Can i visit my friends house in sims 4?
Sims can access almost any lot, including others' houses. (It's not guaranteed they'll be allowed to enter if they're visiting an enemy though.)
2023-12-22 23:40:40

Can you rent out a house in sims 4?
In the Lot Type dropdown menu, they should scroll down until they find Rental. Choosing this option will convert the lot into a rental property, denoted by a star icon over the building on the map.
2023-09-13 23:59:54

Can you get a free house in sims 4?
More precisely, you will first need to select a world you want your Sims to live in, then open up the command console, while you're browsing for your desired house. In the cheat box, now you will need to type freerealestate on. This will turn on the cheat and let you choose whichever house you want. For free!
2023-05-02 01:38:59

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