how many missions are on gta 5


Answer #

This is a list of missions in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City. There are 38 story missions, 19 asset missions, 6 racing missions, 5 phone missions, 3 stadium missions, 4 off-road missions, 3 remote-controlled missions, 1 sparrow mission, and 8 side missions for a total of 87 missions.

  • 2023-04-27 15:41:33
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How to do missions in gta 5?
Missions are marked with the initial of the mission giver on the map. Open the map and select a letter to get mini-map directions to the start of the mission. Walk or drive over the yellow circle on the ground to start a mission. You must be a certain character to start a mission.
2024-01-02 22:32:36

How many franklin and lamar missions are there in gta 5 online?
There are three Franklin and Lamar missions in GTA Online that involve saving Lamar's business by engaging in several firefights with the Vagos.
2023-08-27 17:50:40

What are the 1 million dollar mission gta 5?
Heist missions
Usually a go-to for many GTA Online fans to make a quick million dollars are the Diamond Casino Heist and the Cayo Perico Heist, which will earn a huge total sum within an hour. However, the precursor to doing these jobs requires gamers to have purchased the Arcade or Submarine beforehand.
2023-06-23 06:01:05

What is the easiest mission on gta 5?
1) Prologue
It is set in 2004, 9 years before the events of GTA 5 begin. In this mission, players get to rob a Bobcat cash storage establishment in Ludendorff, North Yankton. Players actively lead both Michael and Trevor as they need to hold hostages, detonate a bomb, collect cash, shoot a guard, and escape.
2023-03-05 10:32:01

How do i get a mission on gta 5?
Missions are marked with the initial of the mission giver on the map. Open the map and select a letter to get mini-map directions to the start of the mission. Walk or drive over the yellow circle on the ground to start a mission. You must be a certain character to start a mission.
2023-02-06 22:13:59

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