What is the average video gamer iq?

What is the average video gamer iq?

What is the average video gamer iq?

IQ Level by Console:
PC Gamers = 112.3 IQ. PlayStation Gamers = 110.7 IQ. Xbox Gamers = 103.8 IQ. Nintendo Switch Gamers = 101.3 IQ.

  • 2024-01-08 00:07:53
Show all Q/A Info

Who is the best video gamer?
Who is the most famous gamer on YouTube? The most famous gamer on YouTube is PewDiePie. Felix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg, known as PewDiePie, is one of the top YouTube gaming influencers. He is also known as one of the most-subscribed-to YouTube accounts.
2024-03-21 07:12:21

What is the average iq of a gifted 10 year old?
Mildly gifted: 115 to 129. Moderately gifted: 130 to 144. ighly gifted: 145 to 159. Exceptionally gifted: 160 +
2024-02-20 11:30:19

Are video gamers more intelligent?
Can playing video games make you smarter? Most off-the-shelf video games do little to improve cognitive abilities. But certain well-designed ones can enhance proficiency at skills such as “task switching,” also known as multitasking.
2024-02-19 02:11:47

What is the average iq of 21 year old male?
Average IQ For Each Age Group
The average score for people between 20 and 24 years of age is 99, which also denotes “normal or average intelligence.” For people between 24 and 34 years of age, the average score is slightly lower at 97, which still denotes “normal or average intelligence.”
2023-12-13 01:45:53