Can two green eyes make brown?

Can two green eyes make brown?

Can two green eyes make brown?

Both parents with blue eyes: 99% chance of baby with blue eyes, 1% chance of baby with green eyes, 0% chance of baby with brown eyes. Both parents with green eyes: 75% chance of baby with green eyes, 25% of baby with blue eyes, 0% chance of baby with brown eyes.

  • 2024-02-03 13:04:46
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Will sony make a green ps5 controller?
This ensures that you get a super high standard of quality with every controller. But it also means that you will get every feature and part you would find on an official PS5 controller, but made perfect with a custom design. This means that with our Green Edition custom PS5 controller, you will get: Haptic feedback.
2024-01-21 03:16:13

Are enderman eyes green?
When the Ender Dragon is finally defeated, all of the enderman can have their eye colors be changed. In the Overworld, their eyes can be green and the enderman can have black smoke, based on their very early appearance in Minecraft
Minecrafter (plural Minecrafters) (video games) A person who plays the game Minecraft. › wiki › Minecrafter
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. In the Nether, they could have red eyes instead.
2023-12-06 22:55:44

Can 2 brown eyed people have a blue eyed child?
Likewise, two brown-eyed parents can have a child with blue eyes, although this is also uncommon.
2023-07-14 14:52:41

Is it rude to make eye contact in japan?
In fact, in Japanese culture, people are taught not to maintain eye contact with others because too much eye contact is often considered disrespectful. For example, Japanese children are taught to look at others' necks because this way, the others' eyes still fall into their peripheral vision [28].
2023-06-14 12:36:59

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