Why is my fifa 22 slow?

Why is my fifa 22 slow?

Why is my fifa 22 slow?

Ensure that your graphics drivers are up to date. Ensure that your system software is fully up to date. Once everything is updated, drop your FPS cap to 60 to ensure that this isn't the cause of the lagging.

  • 2023-01-02 23:32:45
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How much gb is fifa 22 on laptop?
Storage: 50 GB available space.
2023-09-17 07:44:49

Is fifa 22 slow?
Re: Fifa 22 players feel slow and unresponsive
@Kosee97 This is EA handicapping gameplay bug. There is no fix, besides the match result. Just stop playing and it will fix itself in a couple of days or week.
2023-09-02 04:29:40

Whats the max level in fifa 22 pro clubs?
What Is The Maximum Level In FIFA 22 Pro Clubs? Level 25 is the highest level in FIFA 22 Pro Clubs. Once you have reached the Max Level, no more Perks can be purchased.
2023-06-21 23:52:24

Will fifa 22 feature the world cup?
*FIFA World Cup™ FUT Campaigns will launch in-game beginning on 10 AM PT, November 11, 2022. The Your FIFA World Cup™ mode will be available starting November 21, 2022. **Requires FIFA 23 (sold separately), all game updates, internet connection & an EA Account.
2023-04-22 16:18:31

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