What are the chances of getting 3 7s in blackjack?

What are the chances of getting 3 7s in blackjack?

What are the chances of getting 3 7s in blackjack?

Three 7s: 0.0003% chance. Three colored 7s: 0.000068% chance. Three suited 7s: 0.000015% chance.

  • 2024-02-18 19:28:13
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Do you split 2s against a 3 in blackjack?
The reason you split 2s against a dealer's 2 and 3 upcard when DAS is allowed (double- and multi-deck game) is because the latter is a player-favorable rule that allows you to double your bet if you were to receive a favorable draw card on one or both of your split hands (such as a 9 plus 2 equals 11).
2024-01-20 00:23:08

Whats better 65 or 3 2 blackjack?
The difference between 3:2 blackjack and 6:5 blackjack is simple. If you have a winning blackjack hand, you get paid 3 dollars for every 2 that you bet, or 1.5:1 odds. In 6:5 you get paid $6 for every $5 you bet, which is 1.2:1 odds.
2024-01-09 07:51:14

What is 3 2 blackjack?
The difference between 3:2 blackjack and 6:5 blackjack is simple. If you have a winning blackjack hand, you get paid 3 dollars for every 2 that you bet, or 1.5:1 odds. In 6:5 you get paid $6 for every $5 you bet, which is 1.2:1 odds.
2024-01-04 00:44:32

What are the chances of losing blackjack 6 times in a row?
A good blackjack player will win ~43% of hands, push 9% and lose 48%. Using that 48% probability of losing a hand figure, the probability of incurring a 6-hand losing streak at some point during a session of 100 hands is 47.06%.
2023-11-16 00:01:13

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