Is 70 fps good for dota 2?

Is 70 fps good for dota 2?

Is 70 fps good for dota 2?

I would say 60 fps. 60 fps is the standard for gaming in general. Higher fps may make the movement of objects look smoother, but it won't help much in your performance unless your reaction time is super fast (miliseconds level).

  • 2024-02-07 10:13:16
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Is 70 fps good for gta 5?
Grand Theft Auto V is a very demanding game. If your computer can manage to get at least a steady 60 FPS with all settings at their maximum, we recommend that you keep those settings. If you are getting below 60 FPS, though, you can try lowering some of the game settings.
2024-01-20 20:31:55

Is 70 fps good for cod?
Yes. 70fps is good. Anything over 60fps on most monitors is actually so good that the monitor can't display it. If you consistently get over 60fps, consider turning on vsync so the screen doesn't tear because the game's so fast.
2024-01-07 16:55:13

Is 70 fps good for pubg?
Yes. 70fps is good. Anything over 60fps on most monitors is actually so good that the monitor can't display it. If you consistently get over 60fps, consider turning on vsync so the screen doesn't tear because the game's so fast.
2023-08-20 14:13:08

What is the max fps in dota 2?
The in-game settings are limited to 240 fps, but with this command you can increase the fps limit. You can indicate a custom value for the width and height of your monitor.
2023-02-22 14:33:32