What happens if you leave the false knight?

Is arkham knight dc canon?
The Arkham Knight (Astrid Arkham) is canon.
2024-01-03 17:36:36
Can you leave darkest dungeon?
To abandon an expedition, click on the "x" button on the top left corner. You can only abandon a quest when your heroes are out of combat.
2023-11-19 11:33:33
Can moon knight beat thor?
Thor and Moon Knight isn't really a fair fight either. Thor is the God of Thunder and possesses immense strength and durability. Even without Mjolnir or Stormbreaker in hand, Thor would quickly win a close-quarters fight against Moon Knight. The one exception would be if Moon Knight could manipulate Mjolnir.
2023-08-08 07:35:03
How old is arkham knight joker?
His usual age when he starts out as Batman is 25 in most continuities so if we stick with that he would be 27 in Origins. He meets Barbara in Origins and she explicitly stated she was 15 years old.
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