Is hp or cp more important?

Is hp or cp more important?

Is hp or cp more important?

In Pokémon GO, CP stands for "Combat Power" and is entirely separate from the Pokémon's Hit Points (HP). While the two usually correlate (meaning a higher CP will yield a higher HP), the CP is important if you want to use the Pokémon in battle. A Pokémon with a higher CP will perform better than one with a lower CP.

  • 2024-02-01 12:52:17
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How do i transfer cp from ps4 to pc?
You are not allowed to transfer CoD points between different platforms. This means that your points for Warzone on the PlayStation 4 or PlayStation 5 will not carry over to your Warzone on the PC or Xbox One or Xbox Series S or X.
2024-02-20 02:18:12

Why is play games important?
Research has shown that games are essential for healthy development in early childhood and beyond. Play lets children practise what they know, and also what they don't. It allows them to experiment through trial and error, find solutions to problems, work out the best strategies, and build new confidence and skills.
2024-02-17 20:38:17

Are statues important in terraria?
One of the most hidden but useful aspects of Terraria is its statues. If you know what they do and how to exploit them then your game will never be the same — you just need to know which ones are the best to use and the most important to find. The most important thing to know is where they spawn.
2023-06-24 19:39:11

What are the most important stats in fallout new vegas?
The most useful SPECIAL stats are Intelligence and Endurance. Intelligence dictates how many skill points you earn and Endurance dictates your health, as well as how many SPECIAL implants you can install. The least useful SPECIAL stat is Charisma.
2023-05-03 18:02:46