How good is holy paladin?

How good is holy paladin?

How good is holy paladin?

Holy Paladin in Mythic+
Holy Paladin is one of the better healing specializations for Mythic+. It has excellent throughput for almost any healing situation in dungeons, many defensive tools, multiple cooldowns for emergencies, and good damage for a healer.

  • 2023-05-25 06:44:13
Show all Q/A Info

Is mastery or versatility better for holy paladins?
Mastery and Versatility are both very strong stats for Raiding and in most cases they are interchangeable. Mastery will provide a larger healing increase but Versatility will provide more damage and a minor increase to survivability from the damage reduction effect.
2024-02-09 16:52:14

Should holy paladins use kings or wisdom?
You should always cast kings on yourself over wisdom. Even at 1000 intellect (fresh lvl 80 gear) it's better.
2023-11-03 19:56:42

Is it hard to play a holy paladin?
DPS: DPSing as Holy Paladin isn't the hardest since most of the spells are in our normal healing rotation to gain Holy Power. You want to make sure to keep Consecration on the ground. Cast Hammer of Wrath off cooldown if the target is in execute range or you have Wings up.
2023-05-22 11:35:55

Is paladin a good beginner class?
Is Paladin a good beginner class? The Paladin is perhaps the most straightforward class in the game, with movesets and abilities that are fairly simple to get used to. However, what really makes it a go-to for beginners is the fact that it comes equipped with a Vanguard-class weapon of Sword and Shield.
2023-03-14 22:07:36