Is it ok to kiss your kid on the mouth?

Is it ok to kiss your kid on the mouth?

Is it ok to kiss your kid on the mouth?

03/6​Experts who say it is ok
In many cultures, kissing on lips is not considered sexual, and is accepted as a platonic means of showing affection.

  • 2023-02-13 23:24:30
Show all Q/A Info

Can a 16 year old kiss a 15 year old uk?
Generally speaking, it is illegal to kiss a minor (whether male or female) if they are under the age of 16 and the kissing amounts to sexual activity.
2024-03-20 14:21:40

Can i kiss a japanese girl on the first date?
Japanese first dates are neutral — there are no public displays of affection and no overt physical or verbal displays of desire.
2024-02-19 19:03:07

How many hours a day should a kid play video games?
Put clear limits on your child's gaming.
The American Academy of Pediatrics suggests time allotted should be under 30 to 60 minutes per day on school days and 2 hours or less on non- school days.
2024-02-06 22:45:16

Can mom kiss her baby?
In order to prevent serious health issues, anyone and everyone, including parents, should avoid kissing babies. Due to the rise in cases of RSV and other illnesses, it's extremely important for all individuals to be aware of the dangers of kissing babies.
2023-09-14 13:02:01