What is the drop rate of legendary crest in diablo immortal?

What is the drop rate of legendary crest in diablo immortal?

What is the drop rate of legendary crest in diablo immortal?

Legendary Crest 5/5 Gem 1% of 4.5% (0.045%) Drop Rate vs Crafting 5/5 Gem (0.045%) Rate : r/DiabloImmortal.

  • 2023-05-01 17:52:47
Show all Q/A Info

What is the drop rate of 5 5 in diablo immortal?
Legendary Crest 5/5 Gem 1% of 4.5% (0.045%) Drop Rate vs Crafting 5/5 Gem (0.045%) Rate.
2024-02-08 14:42:45

What to do with unused legendaries in diablo immortal?
So first you extract the legendaries to keep their effect for future build. Then I would just scrap them if they don't have higher stats than your current one. No point in keeping them, going to need the glowing shards you get from scrapping them to upgrade as you level.
2024-02-06 20:58:14

Why cant i sell my legendary gem diablo immortal?
You might have noticed that your gems are not listed when you access the selling tab in the Market menu. This is because the only gems you can sell are those with a balance scale symbol in the top-left corner of their icon.
2023-09-14 10:09:46

What is the best dungeon for legendaries in diablo immortal?
Diablo Immortal legendary farming locations
Realm of Damnation, Plains of Torment: This is one of the best spots for Diablo Immortal legendary farming right now. Simply run around the Northern loop in Plains of Torment and slaugher every demon that appears while activiating any nearby shrines.
2023-01-12 00:03:09