Is it possible to recruit everyone in chrono cross?

Is it possible to recruit everyone in chrono cross?

Is it possible to recruit everyone in chrono cross?

Chrono Cross has an impressive roster of 45 characters that can be recruited throughout the story. While many of them will be recruited during the main story, many others are optional (and some ofz them require several playthroughs as you will need to make a choice between them).

  • 2024-02-13 19:54:51
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Does chrono cross have a true ending?
The true ending takes a bit of work and involves the Chrono Cross item itself. You'll need to use it in the battle against the Time Devourer, but only after casting an Element of each type in a certain pattern. It's a good idea to equip low-level elements to shorten the casting time and avoid any interruptions.
2024-02-20 10:05:31

Can you refuse kid in chrono cross?
*Spoilers follow* I don't know if this is common knowledge, but you can always refuse Kid. One time I played, I wondered "How long can I push Kid off before she force joins my party?" She's the second most important character after Serge, so I figured eventually it would happen.
2024-02-14 21:04:42

What is the 7th element chrono cross?
The Chrono Cross is a mysterious and powerful item said to be the seventh Element and forged from the Tear of Hate and the Tear of Love. Only the ancient Dragonians, presumably controlled by Belthasar, knew of its existence, and constructed a pedestal for its creation at the Divine Dragon Falls.
2024-01-16 18:32:38

Can i play chrono cross first?
Yeah, I recommend playing ChronoTrigger first if you have both, but while the connection is strong, Serge's story makes as much since with or without the CT context. You don't necessarily NEED to, but there are a TON of callbacks to Trigger and I think it makes Chrono Cross more impactful if you do play Trigger first.
2024-01-04 22:14:30