Can i play euro truck simulator 2 on this laptop?

Can i play euro truck simulator 2 on this laptop?

Can i play euro truck simulator 2 on this laptop?

Euro Truck Simulator 2 will run on PC system with Windows 7 and upwards. Additionally it has Mac and Linux versions.

  • 2023-06-09 20:12:09
Show all Q/A Info

How to cheat money on euro truck simulator 2 steam?
Adjust your money account
If you want more money, go to the folder "Documents EuroTruck Simulator save 1" and open the file "game. sii" with notepad. Find the line "money_account"and adjust the desired amount of money, then save the file and start the game.
2024-02-18 19:10:06

Can you play euro truck simulator 2 without steering wheel?
Yup I play with an Xbox 360 controller and it works perfectly. No need to play with steering wheel and paddles.
2024-01-02 00:48:23

How many gb is euro truck simulator 2 pc?
Hard Drive: 12 GB available space.
2023-04-03 19:59:16

What is the goal in euro truck simulator 2?
Using External Contracts or External Market, with a World of Trucks-connected profile in Euro Truck Simulator 2, the player's personal goal is to deliver any cargo from any city.
2023-02-21 15:29:34