Can npcs steal kenshi?

Can npcs steal kenshi?

Can npcs steal kenshi?

In a player town, this is a yes. I have seen bandits steal from stores, so it reasons that they probably can still from players in towns.

  • 2024-02-21 01:01:35
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Can piglins steal armour?
Like other mobs capable of picking up items, piglins pick up armor and weapons.
2024-02-20 00:17:11

Are there npcs in project zomboid?
After early builds of the game, NPCs were removed. In an upcoming update, NPCs will be reintroduced with updated mechanics.
2024-01-03 19:16:17

Can you steal money in kenshi?
Money is tied to factions right now, rather than individual npcs. So no, you can't loot any money from corpses, because they don't have any money on them. You can find some npc (sand ninjas?) with bounty on them.
2023-09-26 20:55:29

How do thieves steal gift cards?
As soon as you put money on the card, thieves are tracking it online and stealing that money. Some cards have the bar code exposed but have a PIN that's still covered. Once you buy the card, you scratch off the PIN to activate it. If the PIN is already exposed, it's been compromised.
2023-07-12 02:36:11