Is battlefield 1 multiplayer only?

Is battlefield 1 multiplayer only?

Is battlefield 1 multiplayer only?

Battlefield is a very multiplayer based game series and Battlefield 1 is no exception. However, the war stories (single player campaigns) are very good and worth the money.

  • 2023-11-21 18:59:32
Show all Q/A Info

How many gb is battlefield 1 ps4?
The file size for the PS4 version of Battlefield 1 (Ultimate Edition) is exactly 45.5GB. Yes, that's the install size and you'll need at least that much of space to install the game on your PS4.
2024-02-18 12:02:15

Is battlefield 1 or 5 more realistic?
14 Battlefield 1 Is Known For More Historical Accuracy
A big part of what makes the Battlefield series so unique is the fact that it always portrays historical events in a way that makes settings appear all the more genuine. This is especially true for Battlefield 1, which uses its World War 1 setting to great effect.
2024-01-02 08:05:21

What is the largest map in battlefield 1?
Bandar Desert is located near Bandar Abbas, a seaport in southern Iran, as it is surrounded by a desert. It is the second largest map in Battlefield history, behind Halvøy.
2023-10-16 06:56:34

How many copies did battlefield 5 sell compared to battlefield 1?
Sales. In November, it was reported that Battlefield V sold fewer than half the physical copies that Battlefield 1 did upon its launch during the same period of time. The game sold 7.3 million copies by the end of 2018.
2023-02-21 20:04:03