Why do my sims keep aging up so fast?

How quickly do sims age?
An adult would take 24 days to age up; that length is now 33 days. The age span for young adult seems to have remained unchanged at 24 days. The values for 'Short' and 'Long' Lifespans have been tweaked slightly, although not by much.
2024-01-15 08:37:12
What makes sims age faster?
In the settings of the game, just change the lifespan of the Sims from Normal to Short. This way, Sims will have shorter lives, and, therefore, will also age faster.
2024-01-13 15:09:09
Can you cheat a sims age?
Open the cheat console by pressing control + shift + c. Then type in 'testingcheats true' and then follow it with 'cas. fulleditmode'. This allows you to gain access to the age-up cheat in Sims 4.
2023-05-08 06:36:39
Do npc sims age in sims 4?
One of my biggest gripes with The Sims 4 is that any sim who isn't part of your active household is utterly devoid of any personality or autonomy. They'll age and die but they largely do little to contribute to and change the world around them.
2023-02-24 08:54:27
How do you get sims money fast?
How do you cheat for more Simoleons? For The Sims 4 money cheats: Typing “rosebud” or “kaching” would earn you 1,000 simoleons. Typing “motherlode” will get you 50,000 simoleons.
2023-02-15 01:36:39
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