Which life skill is the most profitable lost ark?

Which life skill is the most profitable lost ark?

Which life skill is the most profitable lost ark?

Excavating is objectively the best life skill to pursue on paper. It gives you materials for Oreha fusion and life skill crafting. It drains the life skill gauge the fastest out of the three while having the highest yields for successfully passing the mini-game (it can give you up to eight times the original reward).

  • 2024-02-16 16:05:10
Show all Q/A Info

Is there a 6 character limit in lost ark?
You have 6 free character slots on each server in Lost Ark. If you want to expand your number of character slots on one server, you have to purchase a Character Slot Extension ticket. Currently, you can increase the number of character slots on a server to a maximum of 18.
2024-02-03 17:02:22

Are trade skills worth it in lost ark?
Are Trade Skills worth it in Lost Ark? If you need a break from slaying demons, Lost Ark's Trade Skills let you chop trees, search for relics, or go hunting to earn valuable resources. Complete with their own skill trees, Trade Skills require a large time investment, but are well worth the effort.
2024-01-15 05:52:40

What is the fastest f2p ship in lost ark?
The Ashtray is the fastest ship in Lost Ark having a base speed of 22 and its durability is 3100, The Ashtray offers the same resistance to all hazardous water types in the game but it offers less resistance compared to the Estoc.
2023-11-01 23:12:10

How does lost ark voice chat work?
Accessing the Voice Chat settings:
While in-game, press the ESC key on a keyboard (or RB+Menu button on a Gamepad controller) to bring up the Game Menu. Select the Settings gear icon in the bottom center of the menu. Select the Audio tab. Scroll down to review all Voice Chat customization options.
2023-08-22 09:07:32