Is guild wars 2 in asia?

Is guild wars 2 in asia?

Is guild wars 2 in asia?

Everyone from asia (except china who have their own version) can play. One of the biggest and most known content/guide creators for GW2 (AyinMaiden) has been playing from Singapore for 10 years. The game has but two megaservers: a European and a North American. Everyone has to choose one or the other.

  • 2023-11-14 09:15:48
Show all Q/A Info

What language is guild wars 2?
The Tyrian language, often referred to as the "common tongue," is spoken in various different dialects by the majority of all sentient races throughout the world of Tyria.
2024-02-04 10:06:36

Is guild wars 2 going f2p?
In short, yes, Guild Wars 2 is a free-to-play title – however, if you are playing on the free account you won't have access to some of the features that paid accounts have.
2024-01-13 04:18:25

Is guild wars 2 growing?
For March 2023, it is estimated that around 511,000 players logged into Guild Wars 2 per day, with the number of players increasing slightly from February's data.
2023-11-08 07:06:30

Does guild wars 2 use a lot of data?
Something between 20 MB (solo open world) and 1GB (joining a zerg in WvW or world event in PvE).
2023-05-23 12:52:50