Was there a red dead redemption 1?

Was there a red dead redemption 1?

Was there a red dead redemption 1?

Red Dead Redemption, developed by Rockstar San Diego (which also worked on its predecessor), was released in May 2010 for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 to critical and commercial acclaim.

  • 2024-03-21 17:22:29
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Can a 13 year old play red dead redemption?
(I was 14 by then) this game is truly beautiful, its NOT for kids though. if you're a good parent I wouldn't let your kid play this until they're at least a decently mature 13 year old. I won't judge if you let them play at younger but personally I don't think its a healthy choice. there is a lot of swearing.
2024-01-12 03:02:43

How much is 1 dollar in red dead redemption?
In other words, $1 in 1899 is equivalent in purchasing power to $36.25 in 2023, a difference of $35.25 over 124 years.
2024-01-07 08:37:39

Is red dead redemption 1 about john?
Red Dead Redemption is set during the decline of the American frontier in the year 1911 and follows John Marston, a former outlaw whose wife and son are taken hostage by the government in ransom for his services as a hired gun.
2023-07-14 23:02:17

Can you buy red dead redemption 1 on ps store?
Playing Red Dead Redemption 1 on PS4 and PS5 is no longer possible as Sony has yanked the game from PlayStation Now/PlayStation Plus Premium after six years on the service.
2023-04-06 10:09:49

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