What is the last mission in mw2 campaign?

What is the last mission in mw2 campaign?

What is the last mission in mw2 campaign?

As with Modern Warfare 2019's ending, Modern Warfare 2 ends with Task Force 141 celebrating in a bar after defeating Zyani and safely detonating the missiles.

  • 2024-02-21 15:08:16
Show all Q/A Info

Is mw2 campaign worth it?
For players looking for an immersive single-player campaign, MW2 is a fantastic option. Its story feels similar to the original Modern Warfare trilogy (for obvious reasons), and the characters are just as well-fleshed out this time around as they were last time.
2023-10-10 10:56:17

Is the new mw2 campaign the same as the old one?
Modern Warfare 2 (2022) is not a remake but a soft reboot of the original story, which has been enhanced for modern storytelling. It follows a similar storyline, with many connections and links to the previous trilogy. The story of the original saga concluded with the release of Modern Warfare 3 in 2011.
2023-08-03 21:55:25

When can i access mw2 campaign?
If you've pre-ordered a physical copy of Modern Warfare 2 then the campaign will be available to you on October 28, the same day the game is officially released.
2023-05-03 20:11:51

Can you split-screen mw2 campaign?
Thankfully, Modern Warfare 2 does have split-screen capability, meaning you can play co-op with friends.
2023-01-19 02:09:22