Is strength or intelligence better in elden ring?

Is strength or intelligence better in elden ring?

Is strength or intelligence better in elden ring?

You'll want 50 Strength and 25 Intelligence, as most Strength/Intelligence weapons scale better with Strength. That said, you could also opt for a more even setup if you find a weapon that scales equally between these stats.

  • 2024-02-01 03:43:33
Show all Q/A Info

Does intelligence increase sorcery damage elden ring?
Each point allocated to the Intelligence stat increases the effectiveness and damage dealt by Sorceries cast with weapons that have Intelligence scaling.
2024-01-07 01:32:11

What is the best strength dual in elden ring?
Number one on our list of Best Dual Wield Weapons Elden Ring is the Giant Crusher. You will want to equip the weapon with the Heavy affinity to change its scaling with Strength.
2023-06-01 13:43:46

Does more strength matter in elden ring?
Strength does several things in Elden Ring, it increases your physical damage output, allows you to wield heavier weapons, and increases your equipment load. This means you can wear heavier armor to increase your defense.
2023-01-25 00:23:49

What does intelligence do in elden ring?
Intelligence primarily affects a player's ability to cast Sorceries, as well as equipping the weapons required to cast them. It is one of the 8 Main Attributes that players can spend Runes on to level up, increasing the Stat's effectiveness and influencing their relative secondary stats.
2023-01-21 01:45:09