How much faster will the 4090 to be than the 4090?

How much faster will the 4090 to be than the 4090?

How much faster will the 4090 to be than the 4090?

The leak also mentions that the unreleased model will have a significant 10% to 20% performance improvement from the 4090. What is this? The performance boost from the 4090 to the 4090Ti is somewhat expected as the mid-generation cards offer better performance than base models.

  • 2023-05-13 14:49:58
Show all Q/A Info

How much faster is 4090 vs 3090?
Benchmarks show that the 4090 performs about 33.3% faster than the 3090 at 1080p when it's paired with a powerful enough CPU, but this probably doesn't justify its 60-70% higher price tag given that both GPUs give such high frame rates at this resolution.
2024-02-06 00:44:03

Is 4090 better than 3090?
The RTX 4090 has better specs than the RTX 3090 in all respects. It has about 50% more CUDA Cores, SMs, RT Cores, and Tensor Cores. It also has a higher base clock and boost clock than the 3090, and slightly faster memory.
2024-01-10 01:15:07

Is the 4090 the best graphics card?
Yes, as of today, the RTX 4090 is by far the fastest GPU on the market. Some variants such as the ASUS ROG Strix are simply better and faster 3rd party versions of the RTX 4090 itself.
2024-01-02 09:31:18

How much better is the 4090 than the 4080?
Thanks to the wider 384-bit bus, the RTX 4090 can push as much as 1,008 GB/s in speed across 24GB of memory while the RTX 4080 with its much tamer 256bit bus pushes as much as 716.8 GB/s in memory speed across 16GB, both of which are sufficient for their respective GPU's needs.
2023-11-11 12:53:35