Who are dereks sisters?

Who are dereks sisters?

Who are dereks sisters?

Derek Shepherd has a whopping four sisters: Nancy, Liz, Amelia, and Kathleen.) Though we have yet to meet Kathleen, it's clear Meredith has.

  • 2023-04-04 19:34:14
Show all Q/A Info

Do little sisters respawn?
As the player heads back toward the passage up to the Wharfmaster's quarters, a respawned Little Sister and her Rosie will appear. The player may need to go up to the Wharfmaster's Office area for this to occur, but do not get the camera until the extra Little Sister has been found.
2024-02-05 16:10:43

What happens if you harvest the little sisters in bioshock 2?
The little girls who run around the game world collecting the mind- and body-altering ADAM give you a bonus either way: if you harvest them by killing the little girls, you get 160 ADAM. If you save them, you get 80 ADAM.
2023-12-24 14:13:16

Was dereks mom a true alpha?
Talia was an Evolved Alpha Werewolf, which made her much more powerful than most Werewolves and superior to even regular Alphas.
2023-08-24 09:34:36

Does misty have sisters?
The Sensational Sisters (Japanese: ハナダ水姉妹 Hanada Water Sisters) are a group consisting of Misty's three older sisters, Daisy, Violet, and Lily. At some point before the series, the sisters were put in charge of the Cerulean Gym.
2023-04-01 01:58:46