Is 59 fps better than 60?

Is 59 fps better than 60?

Is 59 fps better than 60?

Yes, there will be slight stuttering. When monitor refreshes at 60hz, optimal FPS is 60. Any lower and frames will be held up on screen until next one gets from GPU. This means for any framerate between 30–59 you will get some frames kept for more than one refresh cycle.

  • 2024-02-12 13:25:40
Show all Q/A Info

Is ds1 60 fps on ps4?
All versions of the game target 60fps, though only one console gives us an absolute lock, while the PC release rights many wrongs - but is a remarkably unambitious effort overall.
2024-02-10 10:37:27

Is arceus 60 fps?
Pokemon Legends: Arceus is already playable on PC with 60fps.
2024-02-07 00:52:18

Why is my fps capped at 60 in gta?
In game, Options/Settings < Game Settings < Fps Limiter < Off. You probably have a 60 Hz monitor and V-sync turned on which locks your frame rate to your monitor's refresh rate, which can be fixed by turning V-sync off.
2024-01-11 01:18:04

How do i get more than 60 fps in fallout 76?
In general, you are advised to keep the game's default settings and continue to play the game with a 60fps cap. The fps cap that the game uses is determined by the your monitor refresh rate (typically 60Hz or 120Hz), and dividing it by the "iPresentInterval" value.
2023-04-18 14:28:35