What is the easiest class to solo in destiny 2?

What is the easiest class to solo in destiny 2?

What is the easiest class to solo in destiny 2?

Currently, the Hunter is the best class for Damage and soloing dungeons and lost sectors. This class offers insane AoE damage and survivability.

  • 2024-02-11 03:26:59
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Can you solo destiny 2?
The game is fine for solo if you are ok with sorta teaming up for some things. Even if you had WQ there is not a lot to do as a solo player, and while technically possible, most things are just painful/frustrating without a team. There is some pretty cheap gating/choke point design everywhere as the diff goes up.
2024-02-07 00:59:31

What is the most least played class in destiny 2?
Hunters are generally the most popular, with titans either being the least popular or very close in population compared to warlocks.
2024-01-09 03:29:58

What is the easiest class to solo in guild wars 2?
Armed with undead minions and plenty of survivability, Necromancers are the easiest solo class in Guild Wars 2.
2024-01-08 10:42:08

What is the best class in destiny 2?
1. Warlock Dawnblade (Solar 3.0) A subclass primarily used for support, Dawnblade fills its lack of ad clear and boss damage with some of the most powerful buffs in the game.
2023-10-19 06:39:19