How did i win 500 gold bars on candy crush?

How did i win 500 gold bars on candy crush?

How did i win 500 gold bars on candy crush?

Hello @djc311 you would only receive 500 gold bars from the Candy Royale if you were the only player that completed all seven levels. The Royale is a contest between 100 people over seven levels. All of the players left at the end of the seven levels receive a share of the 500 gold bars.

  • 2023-04-04 04:30:45
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How can i get unlimited lives in candy crush?
Play through the levels until you run out of lives. While in the middle of a game, you can see how many lives you have remaining next to the heart icon at the top of the screen. Close Candy Crush Saga. After you run out of lives, close the app entirely.
2024-02-12 17:55:12

How do you get gold in candy crush without paying?
The easiest way to get gold bars in Candy Crush Saga without paying for them is to win the episode race. When you start a new episode, if you beat the 4 other randomly chosen players in your race and finish first you get 5 gold bars, 2nd place you get 3 and 3rd place you get 1.
2024-01-19 09:47:23

How can i get gold bars in candy crush without buying them?
The easiest way to get gold bars in Candy Crush Saga without paying for them is to win the episode race. When you start a new episode, if you beat the 4 other randomly chosen players in your race and finish first you get 5 gold bars, 2nd place you get 3 and 3rd place you get 1.
2024-01-16 17:31:23

How do i unlock piggy bank on candy crush?
Answers. Keep filling the Piggy Bank until you see a message stating 'Piggy Bank available. ' Then simply choose whether to unlock it there and then by paying the stated amount, or keep on collecting until you get the 'Piggy Bank full' message and then unlock it.
2023-09-07 17:02:46

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