Is it hard to play dcs with keyboard?

Is it hard to play dcs with keyboard?

Is it hard to play dcs with keyboard?

It's possible to play mouse and keyboard on DCS, yes. Hell, I get a good kick out of blasting other players out of the skies using mouse and keyboard while flying around in the F-15C.

  • 2024-01-16 00:18:56
Show all Q/A Info

Can you play dcs casually?
The game is a complex, realistic, and authentic simulation, but it also has a more casual mode of play that can be adjusted to the player's skill level.
2024-02-08 05:07:42

Is it hard to play rogue?
Rogues are hard to play and it requires something that most other classes do not need. Smarts. A while back, rogues were the least played class for a few years. This wasn't because they were weak or have crappy skills, it was because it required you to use the skills they gave you correctly or else you would be dead.
2024-02-08 02:25:03

Can you play dcs without a joystick?
In order to really enjoy DCS, you most definitely need a joystick and throttle combo (collectively called HOTAS
HOTAS, an acronym of hands on throttle-and-stick, is the concept of placing buttons and switches on the throttle lever and flight control stick in an aircraft's cockpit. › wiki › HOTAS
HOTAS - Wikipedia
). You can start with something reasonably priced and move over time to more premium options.
2023-12-05 19:44:12

Is it hard to play games with keyboard and mouse?
It won't be too easy, but it's not gonna be impossible either. It takes time, and patience to get accustomed to a mouse and keyboard as it is to get used to playing games on a smartphone's touchscreen.
2023-03-07 04:24:35