How much is 40 dollars in v-bucks?

How much is 40 dollars in v-bucks?

How much is 40 dollars in v-bucks?

Fortnite 5000 V-Bucks ($40) Gift Card
Receive 5000 V-Bucks which can be used as in-game currency used in Fortnite to purchase things like outfits, pickaxes, wraps, emotes, and Battle Passes.

  • 2024-01-20 15:22:53
Show all Q/A Info

How much is 20 dollars in v-bucks?
These are the four options available to purchase V-Bucks in Fortnite: 1000 V-Bucks - $7.99 (Value: 125 V-Bucks/$) 2800 V-Bucks - $19.99 (Value: 140 V-Bucks/$)
2024-02-15 13:52:49

Can i buy v-bucks code online?
Once you've linked your account you can buy V-Bucks online at using Paypal.
2024-02-10 20:57:17

How much is 40 in v-bucks?
Fortnite 5000 V-Bucks ($40) Gift Card
Receive 5000 V-Bucks which can be used as in-game currency used in Fortnite to purchase things like outfits, pickaxes, wraps, emotes, and Battle Passes.
2024-01-18 09:57:16

How many v-bucks is 25 dollars?
Receive 2800 V-Bucks which can be used as in-game currency used in Fortnite to purchase things like outfits, pickaxes, wraps, emotes, and Battle Passes.
2023-01-13 11:31:21