What card game has 2 decks?

What card game has 2 decks?

What card game has 2 decks?

a card game, sometimes played with two decks, in which the players try to form sets and sequences of cards. Rummy
Rummy is a group of matching-card games notable for similar gameplay based on matching cards of the same rank or sequence and same suit.
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Rummy
Rummy - Wikipedia
is still one of the best-known card games in the United States, though in many regions it has been superseded by Gin Rummy
Gin Rummy
Knocking. In standard gin, a player with 10 or fewer points of deadwood may knock, immediately ending the hand without giving the opponent a chance to play. Knocking with no deadwood is known as going Gin or having a Gin hand, while knocking with deadwood points is known as going down.
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Gin_rummy
Gin rummy - Wikipedia
and Oklahoma Gin.

  • 2023-02-21 14:29:04
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