What happens at the end of cod black ops?

Is cod black ops 3 4 player split-screen?
Call of Duty: Black Ops III supports two-player split-screen online play in Multiplayer or Zombies game modes. Xbox One and PlayStation 4 support split-screen for up to four players in Multiplayer, but only in local play.
2024-02-13 12:47:51
Does cod black ops have multiplayer?
The multiplayer component of Black Ops features multiple objective-based game modes that are playable on 14 different maps included with the game. Improvements to loadout options and killstreak rewards are made.
2024-01-15 07:55:56
Can i play cod black ops cold war campaign offline?
* Open Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War and head over into the game modes section. * Inside you will find options including Campaign, Multiplayer, Zombies, and Dead Ops Arcade. * Head to the bottom and toggle the flip between online and offline play.
2023-12-16 10:14:41
How much gb is cod black ops 4?
Call of Duty Black Ops Download & Game Updates
At launch, the download size for the standard edition of Black Ops 4 was 55 GB for PC, 51.42 GB for PlayStation 4, and 45.65 GB for Xbox One. If you need to keep your data use low, don't download Black Ops 4 from the internet.
2023-05-07 10:48:09
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