Why does white play first in chess?

Why does white play first in chess?

Why does white play first in chess?

For instance, as white, the queen is on the left-hand side. As black, the queen is on the right-hand side. As it exists now, the lighter color always moves first. Some see this as analogous to racial privileges in society.

  • 2024-01-07 02:44:21
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Do smart people play chess?
You don't have to be of significantly high intelligence to "play" chess but obviously, if you're looking to advance into the 2200+ club, possessing less than a 120 IQ would probably begin to pose you serious, serious challenges. A lot of these GM's are floating in the 130-160 range, like that or not.
2023-09-26 14:27:02

Do smart people play chess better?
Not even close. You don't have to be of significantly high intelligence to "play" chess but obviously, if you're looking to advance into the 2200+ club, possessing less than a 120 IQ would probably begin to pose you serious, serious challenges. A lot of these GM's are floating in the 130-160 range, like that or not.
2023-09-07 08:31:28

Why do kids play chess?
Chess gives kids an edge in the classroom.
Playing chess is known to increase IQ, promote critical thinking, and teach core math and verbal skills. It also helps kids retain information, improve test scores, solve problems, remain calm under pressure, and perform well in school.
2023-07-18 02:39:36

How often should you play chess?
I will say that for long term improvement, you should be playing slower games than just half an hour. I know NM Dan Heisman, who is a renowned chess coach for class level players, recommends playing with a time control of at least an hour, roughly 100 games per year, for serious improvement.
2023-02-02 03:12:41

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