Who did genshin copy?

Who did genshin copy?

Who did genshin copy?

In particular, gamers were in an uproar over Genshin Impact's similarities to The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.

  • 2023-06-03 12:48:46
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What game did genshin impact copy?
Genshin Impact plagiarized Breath of The Wild, and to this day, it's still not properly adressed. Isn't Genshin a bit too similar to Breath of the Wild? From what I can see, Genshin blatantly plagiarized multiple mechanics from Botw, and got away with it simply because it is more popular.
2024-01-18 17:30:31

Can i sell my digital copy of a game?
Digital games can't be stuffed into a bag and hauled down to Main Street. They are lumps of code that are owned and controlled by the publishers of the games, and their retail partners. The code cannot be sold on, at least, not legally, without the publisher's permission.
2024-01-11 03:08:59

Is tof a copy of genshin?
Tower Of Fantasy Is The First Of Many Shameless Genshin Impact Clones. There's more to it beneath the surface, but the similarities are clear to see. Genshin Impact is not an original game.
2023-10-03 04:35:24

Does genshin give you rewards on your birthday?
On your birthday, a very special item will become available to you - the Cake for Traveller. When your birthday comes around, click the 'mail' icon in the menu. You'll be looking for the mail item that says 'best wishes on your birthday'. Simply click the 'claim' button and it'll be added to your inventory!
2023-01-19 11:22:18

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