what can make your hands shake


Answer #

Cybercriminals could use your IP address to track down your ISP and launch a phishing attack to trick them into disclosing your personally identifiable information that they store — for example your birthdate, phone number, bank account number, or Social Security number. This information can later be sold online.

  • 2023-07-09 04:46:39
Show all q/a Info

How did epic games make money?
Epic Games is a gaming company, that develops, publishes, and distributes games. It comprises the Unreal Engine, making money through licensing agreements with developers and creators. Its games (like Fortnite) mostly follow a free-to-play model on PC and an in-app purchase model on the digital marketplace.
2024-02-15 01:46:45

Can two green eyes make brown?
Both parents with blue eyes: 99% chance of baby with blue eyes, 1% chance of baby with green eyes, 0% chance of baby with brown eyes. Both parents with green eyes: 75% chance of baby with green eyes, 25% of baby with blue eyes, 0% chance of baby with brown eyes.
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How many people does it take to make a game?
The development of a complete game usually involves a team of 20–100 individuals with various responsibilities, including designers, artists, programmers, and testers.
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Does gamestop make money from digital games?
"The way it's going to work is for every Microsoft Xbox console that GameStop sells going forward, GameStop will get some percentage of the revenue from every digital full game download, DLC, microtransaction, and any subscriptions as well," he said.
2024-01-10 20:29:50

Does 12gb ram make difference from 8gb?
The same rule applies to the physical memory, 8GB can access less amount of data as compared to 12GB memory. If you are dealing with heavy tasks, for example, graphics designing, gaming, animation, or video rendering, then a 12GB module would take a huge amount of load off your CPU as compared to an 8GB module.
2023-06-01 10:32:22

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