Whats the difference between the mansion and the hidden mansion in luigis mansion?

Whats the difference between the mansion and the hidden mansion in luigis mansion?

Whats the difference between the mansion and the hidden mansion in luigis mansion?

The two versions of the Hidden Mansion are identical. The ghosts will have more HP. For instance, the Gold Ghost will have 15 HP, compared to its 10 HP in the standard game. The Hidden Mansion will have more ghosts in each room than the standard mode, requiring more strategy to get through each one.

  • 2024-01-19 08:54:06
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What happens if you catch morty in luigis mansion 3?
Luigi can go to Morty's Editing Room and capture him at any time, however capturing him while he is still editing results in his movie becoming unable to view.
2024-02-08 06:12:28

What is the point of luigis mansion?
The game sees players taking on the role of Luigi who must explore a haunted hotel, incorporating different themes on each floor, and rescue his friends from the ghosts that inhabit it, after the group is tricked into visiting it for a vacation by King Boo.
2023-11-13 14:55:06

What is the bad ending in luigis mansion?
Luigi being hit by King Boo at the beginning of the game, triggering the bad ending.
2023-06-10 14:45:56

What happens if you catch all 50 boos in luigis mansion?
If Luigi manages to vacuum up all 50 Boos, the last one drops a Gold Diamond. The following chart shows each Boo, its amount of HP, whether or not it has the ability to attack, the room it starts out in, the different hiding places in that room and the object or saying that the said Boo is based on.
2023-04-18 20:31:07