What to spend shards on dota?

What to spend shards on dota?

What to spend shards on dota?

Cosmetic items can be purchased with shards. Prices can vary. Hero sets and tools can only be purchased by everyone. Relics, treasures, and Chat Wheel sounds can only be purchased by Dota Plus members.

  • 2024-02-11 16:58:41
Show all Q/A Info

How hard is it to learn dota 2?
Dota 2 is one of those games that's hard to put into words. Even among MOBAs, which is a genre composed of notoriously difficult titles, Dota 2 stands as one of the most challenging games to learn how to play, especially for complete beginners.
2024-02-17 06:50:13

Why is china not at dota major?
Fallout from Dota 2 Player Bans Hits China as Five Teams Get Booted from DPC 2023. Perfect World has removed five Chinese Dota 2 teams from the DPC China 2023 Tour 2: Division I and II due to their association with players who have been banned from Valve tournaments for "esports integrity violations."
2024-02-10 01:39:32

Is 70 fps good for dota 2?
I would say 60 fps. 60 fps is the standard for gaming in general. Higher fps may make the movement of objects look smoother, but it won't help much in your performance unless your reaction time is super fast (miliseconds level).
2024-02-07 10:13:16

Do gamers spend money?
It turns out that the average gamer spends around $76 (about £60) per month on gaming, or about $58,000 (£45,600) during their entire life.
2024-02-01 22:22:23